Shabbat Study & Learning Opportunities
08/13/2018 02:20:37 PM
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Shalom friends!
This Saturday we have Torah study and service-in-the-round in our combo form. Join Rabbi Koppel as we explore this week's Torah portion. You can go here to learn more about this week's parsha.
Here's some of what's coming in the next few weeks!
Have you registered for a meet and greet with Cantor Flynn yet? We've got opportunities throughout the summer at different locations! Please sign up for one...Read more...
Shabbat Study & Learning Opportunities
07/23/2018 02:20:08 PM
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Shalom friends!
This Saturday we have Torah study and service-in-the-round in our combo form. Join Susan Detwiler as we explore this week's Torah portion. You can go here to learn more about this week's parsha.
Here's some of what's coming in the next few weeks!
Have you registered for a meet and greet with Cantor Flynn yet? We've got opportunities throughout the summer at different locations! Please sign up for one...Read more...
Shabbat Study & Learning Opportunities
07/17/2018 04:57:12 PM
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Shalom friends!
This Saturday we have Torah study and service-in-the-round in our combo form. Join Cantor Flynn as we explore Devarim (and thanks to Brian Gluck for leading us last week!). You can go here to learn more about this week's parsha.
Here's some of what's coming in the next few weeks!
Have you registered for a meet and greet with Cantor Flynn yet? We've got opportunities throughout the summer at different...Read more...
Shabbat Study & Learning Opportunities
07/09/2018 03:20:09 PM
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Shalom friends!
This Saturday we have Torah study and service-in-the-round in our combo form. Join Cantor Flynn as we explore Mattot-Ma'asei. You can go here to learn more about this week's parsha.
Here's some of what's coming in the next few weeks!
We're still looking for Summer Service leaders! Want to lead worship or the Torah discussion? If you're interested in helping out, you can register here.
Have you...
Shabbat Study & Learning Opportunities
07/03/2018 10:37:27 AM
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Shalom friends!
This Saturday we have Torah study and service-in-the-round in our combo form. Join HarrietAnn Litwin as we explore Parashat Pinchas. You can go here to learn more about this week's parsha.
Here's some of what's coming in the next few weeks!
Friday, July 6th join us for a speclal summer barbecue before services! 5:30pm BBQ, followed by our first service with Cantor Flynn! I know you won't want to miss...Read more...
Shabbat Study & Learning Opportunities
06/25/2018 01:02:13 PM
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Shalom friends!
This Saturday we have Torah study and service-in-the-round in our combo form. Join us as we explore Parashat Balak. You can go here to learn more about this week's parsha.
Here's some of what's coming in the next few weeks!
Friday, July 6th join us for a speclal summer barbecue before services! 5:30pm BBQ, followed by our first service with Cantor Flynn! I know you won't want to miss that! You can...Read more...
Shabbat Study & Learning Opportunities
06/12/2018 10:30:23 AM
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Shalom friends!
This Saturday we have Torah study and service-in-the-round in our combo form, led by LeslieAnn Alpert! Join her as she explores Parashat Korach. You can go here to learn more about this week's parsha.
Here's some of what's coming in the next few weeks!
We're still looking for Summer Service leaders! Want to lead worship or the Torah discussion? If you're interested in helping out, you can register...Read more...
Shabbat Study & Learning Opportunities
04/10/2018 09:28:55 AM
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Here's some of what's coming this week!
This Saturday, jjoin us for Torah Study at 9:30am and Services in our main sanctuary at 11. To learn more about this week's portion, you can go here.
My course on Prophets and Peacemakers continues this Wednesday, at 5:30pm. Abraham Joshua Heschel (z’l) described the Biblical Prophets as “some of the most disturbing people who have ever lived…whose voice and vision sustain our...Read more...
Shabbat Study & Learning Opportunities
04/02/2018 03:22:00 PM
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Shalom friends!
Happy Passover! Here's some of what's coming this week as we continue to celebrate the holiday!
Yizkor services will be Friday, April 6th at 11am. Please join us to remember your loved ones!
Saturday, April 7th, join us for a combined Torah Study and Service-In-The-Round, all starting at 9:30am, wrapping up around 11. To learn more about this week's portion, you can go here.
We are excited to...
Shabbat Study & Learning Opportunities
03/01/2018 12:36:53 PM
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Shalom friends!
Back to Torah Study and services combined this week. We'll start at 9:30am and wrap-up by 11am services If you want to learn more about the week's parasha before coming in, you can check some study ideas here.
It's also time for Purim! Three ways to celebrate this year! Adult Purim Shpiel on Wednesday at 5:30pm, our usual Friday night Mishugas, and Sunday morning Carnival! Click the link for more info! Hope to...Read more...
Shabbat Study & Learning Opportunities
12/21/2017 03:48:13 PM
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This week we return to our Torah Study and combo experience, beginning at 9:30am. You can learn more about this week's portion by going here.
While we said farewell to Hollywood Bible (for now), we continue our exploration of the connection between Chanukah and the Book of Daniel Wednesday at 5:30pm December 20th. Light dinner available.
Lots more coming up with Adult Learning this year, including our Scholar-In-Residence,...Read more...
Shabbat Study & Learning Opportunities
11/17/2017 05:24:20 PM
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This week we have Torah study at 9:30am, service at 11. You can learn more about this week's portion by going here. I hope you will stick around for services led by this week's bat mitzvah!
Here's some upcoming learning opportunities!
Wednesdays at 5:30pm we have the return of Hollywood Bible! Join us as we explore King Solomon's story. Light dinner available.
Lots more coming up with Adult Learning this year! You can...Read more...
Shabbat Study & Learning Opportinities
11/06/2017 01:29:50 PM
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This week we have Torah study at 9:30am, service at 11. You can learn more about this week's portion by going here. And please, stick around for services that morning!
Here's some upcoming learning opportunities!
Wednesdays at 5:30pm we have the return of Hollywood Bible! Join us as we explore King Solomon's story. Light dinner available.
Sundays at 10:30am we continue with Torah For Today! Missed Saturday Torah Study?...Read more...
Shabbat Study & Learning Opportunities
11/01/2017 11:24:18 AM
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This week we have Torah study at 9:30am, service at 11. You can learn more about this week's portion by going here. I hope you will stick around for services led by our adult b'not mitzvah class!
Here's some upcoming learning opportunities!
Wednesdays at 5:30pm we have the return of Hollywood Bible! Join us as we explore King Solomon's story. Light dinner available.
Lots more coming up with Adult Learning this year!...
Shabbat Study & Learning Opportunities
10/24/2017 10:51:25 AM
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This week we have Torah study at 9:30am, service at 11. You can learn more about this week's portion by going here. I hope you will stick around for services led by our adult b'not mitzvah class!
Here's some upcoming learning opportunities!
Wednesdays at 5:30pm we have the return of Hollywood Bible! Join us as we explore King Solomon's story. Light dinner available.
Lots more coming up with Adult Learning this year!...
Shabbat Study & Learning Opportunities
10/17/2017 10:08:03 AM
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This week we have Torah study at 9:30am, service at 11. You can learn more about this week's portion by going here.
Here's some upcoming learning opportunities!
Wednesdays at 5:30pm we have the return of Hollywood Bible! Join us as we explore King Solomon's story. Light dinner available.
Lots more coming up with Adult Learning this year! You can go here to learn all about it!
Rabbi Yair D....
Shabbat Study & Learning Opportunities
10/10/2017 09:46:09 AM
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Chag sameach! I hope everyone is having a meaningful Sukkot!
We are back to regular schedules this week: Torah study at 9:30am, service at 11. You can learn more about this week's portion by going here.
This coming Sunday we will be doing Torah for Today at 9:30am rather than 10:30am. Please be aware.
Here's some upcoming learning opportunities!
Wednesday October 11th starting at 5:30pm join us for SImchat...Read more...
Shabbat Study & Learning Opportunities
10/03/2017 10:15:17 AM
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Shalom friends!
While we don't have Torah Study this Saturday morning, with it being the week of Sukkot, we have some special opportunities to gather, study and worship together!
Wednesday October 5th at 5:30pm: Join us for Erev Sukkot services and a pot-luck dinner as we welcome Rabbi Andrea Weiss, professor at the Hebrew Union College and one of the editors of the Women's Torah Commentary.
Thursday October 6th at...
Shabbat Study & Learning Opportunities
09/26/2017 01:22:24 PM
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Shalom Friends!
Just a quick reminder that there is no Torah Study either Saturday or Sunday this week due to the holiday.
As we anticipate the High Holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, here's some of what's on offer!
Wednesday September 27th at 5:30pm We will explore Teshuvah: Repentance and Returns
Saturday, September 30th Are you coming to the Traditional Service on Yom Kippur Morning but don't want to...Read more...
Shabbat Study & Learning Opportunities
09/19/2017 10:20:33 AM
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It was so wonderful to see so many people at services this past Saturday! Join us this coming Shabbat morning for Torah study and services combined starting at 9:30am, ending around 11. To learn more about this week's Torah Portion you can go here.
This Sunday at 10:30am continues our Torah For Today weekly Torah study session! Great for parents, grandparents or anyone who wants to take a little time on Sunday to study Torah for an...Read more...
Shabbat Study & Learning Opportunities
08/29/2017 10:10:08 AM
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Shalom friends!
With gratitude to all of our summer service leaders, we transition this Saturday back to 'standard operating procedure!'
Join us this Saturday for our last Summer Torah study and Shabbat services combined starting at 9:30am, ending around 11. To learn more about this week's Torah Portion you can go here.
As we anticipate the High Holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, please join us for two mid-week...Read more...
Shabbat Study & Learning Opportunities
08/22/2017 11:29:56 AM
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Shalom friends!
Join us this Saturday for our last Summer Torah study and Shabbat services combined starting at 9:30am, ending around 11. We'll be led by Cheryl Hampson and Joel Chodos. To learn more about this week's Torah Portion you can go here. Joel has also provided a study guide, found below the signature. Feel free to look at it in advance and bring with you on Saturday.
As this is our last summer...
Shabbat Study & Learning Opportunities
08/15/2017 09:42:23 AM
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Shalom friends!
Join us this Saturday for Torah study and Shabbat services combined starting at 9:30am, ending around 11. We'll be led in both by Brian Gluck and Conne Kreshtool . To learn more about this week's Torah Portion you can go here.
If someone is interested in leading the discussion for our last summer service on August 31st, please let me know!
Rabbi Yair D. Robinson
Read more...Shabbat Study & Learning Opportunities
08/01/2017 04:22:48 PM
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Shalom friends!
Join us this Saturday for Torah study and Shabbat services combined starting at 9:30am, ending around 11. We'll be led in both by our adult b'not mitzvah class and Riva Brown. To learn more about this week's Torah Portion you can go here.
Rabbi Yair D. Robinson
Read more...Shabbat Study & Learning Opportunities
07/24/2017 10:51:33 AM
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Shalom friends!
Join us this Saturday for Torah study and Shabbat services combined starting at 9:30PM, ending around 11:00AM. We'll be led in both by Michele Sands and LeslieAnn Alpert. To learn more about this week's Torah Portion you can go here.
Rabbi Yair D. Robinson
Read more...Shabbat Study & Learning Opportunities
07/18/2017 11:35:54 AM
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Shalom friends!
Join us at 10am at the back of the JCC Parking Lot this Saturday for a little change of pace as we take a Shabbat Hike, with meditative pauses and an accessible Torah reading and recitation of Kaddish. There is no service or Torah Study this week at the synagogue.
In case the parking lot is full, please park on the side of the road toward the entrance of the neighborhood.
See you...
Shabbat Study & Learning Opportunities
07/11/2017 11:13:00 AM
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Shalom friends!
Join us this Saturday as we explore parashat Pinchas! Click the link to go to the Reform Movement's podcast on this week's portion and other themes!
As there is no bat or bar mitzvah this weekend, Torah Study and services are combined, beginning at 9:30am.
Also a reminder that we continue with lay-led services this week, so please come support your fellow congregants!
Sun, March 9 2025
9 Adar 5785
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