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Meet & Greet Opportunities

Won't you  join us at one of the "Meet and Greets" we've planned at congregant's homes or the JCC during July and August to enable you to meet Cantor Flynn on a more personal basis than during a Beth Emeth service.

NOTE:  When couples or families are registering, please register each individual separately.  The number of slots available are the maximum number of people the host can accommodate.    

07/05/2018 Dayle & Mike Joseph, 7/5/18 at 7:00PM 7 Booked
Name Sue & Frank Rohrbacher

Name Phil & Sheila Weinberg

Name Susan and Malcolm Cobin

Name Sue Paul

Name Sue and Dennis Cherrin

Name Bill Zeke Brown & Rva

Name Susan & Mark Detwiler

07/16/2018 Esther & Paul Timmeney, 7/16/18 @ 7:00PM 19 Booked
Name Rose and Alan Ebner

Name Bob & Gloria Jacobs

Name GLORIA M JACOBS & Bob Jacobs

Name Madeline & Allan RUBINOW

Name Alan Ebner

Name Allan Rubinow

Name Sue & Chuck Milazzo

Name Jeffrey Merritt

Name Elaine Kasowski

Name Steve Baron

Name Michelle Baron

Name Barbara Citron

Name Jane Green


Name Elinor Miller

Name Michele and Howard Sands

Name Marcia Adato

Name Yasef Adato

Name Steve & Judy Dorfman

08/01/2018 JCC Pool, 8/1/18, 5-7PM Hosted by Jenn Steinberg Register NowName Yair

Name Rachel & Luke Werkheiser

Name Luke Werkheiser

Name Rachel Greenspan

Name Adam Greenspan

Name Mattingly Greenspan

Name Leslie Ann

08/07/2018 Jan & Rob Goodman, 8/7/18 at 7:00PM 18 Booked
Name Harvey Gilbert

Name Judith Gilbert

Name Carol Finfer

Name Matt Finfer

Name Amanda Lewis

Name Rick Lewis

Name HarrietAnn Litwin

Name Rich Litwin

Name Amy and Scott Harrison

Name Ruth Rosenberg & Doug White

Name Karen R Caplan

Name Joanie Kalin

Name Neil Kalin

Name Robin Zink

Name Sandy and Ed McBride

Name Richard Goldbaum

Name Judy Goldbaum

Name Judy Goldbaum

08/22/2018 Rescheduled TBD - Karen Jacobs & Jack Blumenfeld 38/40 Left Register Now
Name Bonnie Chirlin

Name Mike Stape


Opportunities to Meet Cantor Elizabeth Flynn

Havdallah and Dessert Reception 

Saturday, April 7, 2018 at 8:00PM

Please join us on Saturday, April 7 at 8:00PM for a post-Pesach Havdallah and Dessert reception as we welcome Cantor Elizabeth Flynn!  This will be the first of MANY opportunities to meet our new Cantor!  Come introduce yourself and get a chance to build the relationship!

You can sign up HERE.


Greetings and Well Wishes

Click HERE to send welcome Cantor Flynn or wish her well.

Bob & Fran Cohen - "Welcome to Beth Emeth! Our very best wishes!"

Connie Kreshtool - "I regret that I am not able to attend the welcoming event on April 7.  We did meet at one of your  visits to Beth Emeth however.  I am delighted that you will be joining us.  If I can be of help to you here at Beth Emeth please call on me. "

Yvette Rudnitzky - "Cantor Flynn.....may this be the best of connections as you add you give voice to song in this temple... "

Bill (Zeke) & Riva Brown - "Welcome Aboard, Chazen. Looking forward to meeting you in person."

Ruth Rosenberg - "We are delighted to welcome you to our Beth Emeth family, Liz! Your bright spirit came shining through during our Monday night mock Shabbat. I look forward to celebrating many actual Shabbats with you. Mazel tov to you and to us!"

Regina Mavrin - "Welcome to Beth Emeth, I look forward to meeting you!"

Jeanne & Leonard Ginsberg - "Enjoy the success you have worked so hard to achieve. Great job!"

Beth Schnitman-Malm - "Hello and Welcome Cantor Flynn, I have been a member of CBE for only a few years. It is a wonderful, warm, active congregation and community! I look forward to meeting you and sharing in the specialness that is Congregation Beth Emeth!! Shalom"

Jan Goodman - "Cantor Flynn, Welcome to Beth Emeth and Delaware! While my husband Rob and I are unable to make it to the event this coming weekend, we look forward to the opportunity to welcome you in person very soon."

Sandy McBride - "So sorry that I can’t come to your reception. Looking forward to meeting you, hopefully soon!"

Robert & Naomi Hershkowitz - "Welcome to Congregation Beth Emeth - we are happy to have you join us."

Gary Spritz - "Welcome and you will enjoy the kids."


Listening Sessions

Thu, March 27 2025 27 Adar 5785