Joseph's Pantry
Joseph's Pantry
Information regarding closings due to weather or holidays can be found here: No Closings Scheduled
We are now employing a Drive-Up model for distributions. Please pull up to the front entrance. If there is already a vehicle(s) in line, please drive to the end of the line and wait for the previous clients to finish before pulling up and exiting your vehicle.
Visit and "Like" the Joseph's Pantry of CBE Facebook Page
Questions about the hours or eligibility requirements, call 302.764.2393 or email at:
Joseph's Pantry is an Emergency Food Pantry hosted by Congregation Beth Emeth of Wilmington, Delaware. Our goal is to provide a three-day supply of food stuffs on an emergency basis for residents of Wilmington, and specifically, for those in need in the Ninth Ward. Hours of operation are Tuesday evenings, from 5:00pm until 7:30pm.
List of needed item for Joseph's Pantry: HERE
Tax form for Donated Items: HERE
Monetary Donations for Joseph's Pantry: HERE
Flyer to Share information about Joseph's Pantry: HERE
Flyer to use for Food Drive for Joseph's Pantry: HERE
Volunteer Background Check Form: HERE
Questions? Email:
Press Release for Joseph's Pantry, November 2018
Wilmington, DE – According to, in Delaware, 114,370 people struggle with hunger -- of those, 34,240 are children. That’s 1 in 6 children who are hungry every day in the First State. At Congregation Beth Emeth, there has always been a commitment to community service. But many felt it was time to do more.
On November 6, 2018, Joseph’s Pantry will open. This food pantry will distribute emergency food and personal items to needy individuals and families in our nearby community, specifically our neighbors in the Ninth Ward. Initially, the pantry will provide non-perishable and shelf-stable food, bread, and produce as well as personal items and cleaning products. Our goal is to begin providing meat and dairy products within one year of opening.
For many years, Congregation Beth Emeth has collected and donated hundreds of pounds of food to the Delaware Food Bank and Jewish Family Services. This year that food will remain at Beth Emeth as the beginning inventory for Joseph’s Pantry, so named for the story of Joseph in Genesis, “So Joseph stored up grain in such abundance, like the sand of the sea, that he stopped keeping track of it; for it was beyond measure.”
“This is literally Tikkun Olam, a Jewish concept defined by acts of kindness performed to help make a difference whether locally or globally," explains Congregation Beth Emeth's Rabbi Yair Robinson. "We want to make our spiritual home a place that supports the people around us. To do otherwise would be a rejection of the image of God present in each person.”
As an emergency food shelter, Joseph's Pantry will provide individuals and families with a 3-day supply of food. Congregation Beth Emeth is currently the only synagogue in Delaware with its own, member-run food pantry.
Joseph’s Pantry will be open Tuesday evenings from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Donations will be accepted throughout the year. Details on donating can be found at
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Congregation Beth Emeth - 300 West Lea Blvd, Wilmington, DE 19802 - Phone: 302.764.2393 - Fax: 302.764.2395
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