Sun |
Mon |
Tues |
Wed |
Thu |
Fri |
Sat |
9:00am Religious School 9:30am Beth Emeth Book Group 11:00am Caring Committee Meeting 12:00pm Sisterhood Welcome Back Event
| | 12:00pm Stocking for Joseph's Pantry 3:00pm Joseph's Pantry Open
| Erev Rosh HaShanah - 6:24pm Candle Lighting
8:00pm Evening Service
| Tashlich 8:30am Tot Service 9:30am Traditional Service 9:30am Camp Experience 1:30pm Contemporary Service 3:15pm Tashlisch- 7:22pm Candle Lighting
| 12:00pm Second Day Rosh Hashanah Discussion and Brunch- 6:21pm Candle Lighting
7:00pm Kabbalat Shabbat 8:00pm Oneg
| Haazinu 9:30am Torah Study & Service Combination
8:00am Teachers' Meeting 9:00am Religious School 10:30am Confirmation 12:30pm Sisterhood Meeting 3:00pm BEMP Memorial Service
| | 12:00pm Stocking for Joseph's Pantry 3:00pm Joseph's Pantry Open 6:30pm High Holiday Choir Rehearsal 7:00pm Board Meeting
| | | Kol Nidre - 6:10pm Candle Lighting
8:00pm Kol Nidre
| Yom Kippur Yizkor 8:30am Tot Service 9:30am Traditional Service- 9:30am Camp Experience
1:30pm Contemporary Service 1:30pm Yom Kippur Discussion with Rabbi Michael Kramer 3:30pm Afternoon Service 4:30pm Yizkor- 5:30pm Neilah
6:30pm Community Breakfast
| | 12:00pm Stocking for Joseph's Pantry 3:00pm Joseph's Pantry Open 4:00pm Sukkah Build
| Erev Sukkot 4:45pm Hebrew School 5:30pm Sukkot Dinner & Program with Sophie Lynford: Sukkot in Art- 6:02pm Candle Lighting
| Sukkot 12:00pm Pizza in the Sukkah
| Chol HaMo-eid Sukkot - 5:59pm Candle Lighting
6:00pm Artist Meet And Greet 7:00pm Shabbat Service 8:00pm Oneg
| Chol HaMo-eid Sukkot 9:30am Torah Study & Service Combination
Chol HaMo-eid Sukkot 9:00am Religious School 9:30am Peace Week: Bystander Training 10:00am BE Teens- 10:30am BE Teens B' yachad
| | Chol HaMo-eid Sukkot 12:00pm DERECH Meeting 12:00pm Stocking for Joseph's Pantry 3:00pm Joseph's Pantry Open
| 12:00pm The Movies at Noon with Sue Paul ("Cast a Giant Shadow") 4:45pm Hebrew School 5:30pm Simchat Torah Service, Consecration and Program - 5:52pm Candle Lighting
| Simchat Torah and Sh'mini Atzeret Yizkor 11:00am Yizkor Experience and Memorial Moment 7:00pm Reproductive Rights
| - 5:50pm Candle Lighting
7:00pm Shabbat Service 8:00pm Oneg
| B'reishit 10:00am Shabbat Meditative Walk
| | 12:00pm Stocking for Joseph's Pantry 3:00pm Joseph's Pantry Open
| | | 5:30pm Tot Shabbat- 5:41pm Candle Lighting
7:00pm Kabbalat Shabbat 8:00pm Oneg
| Noach 9:30am Torah Study & Service Combination