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Membership Application

Membership Application
Once you start the application, you must continue until you get to the submit button or your information will NOT be saved and you will need to start over.
Welcome to Congregation Beth Emeth.  We are delighted you have chosen to become part of our community!

We hope that you find membership an enriching experience and encourage you to explore the diverse opportunities for Jewish expression that Beth Emeth offers.  Please call upon our clergy, staff, and lay leaders whenever we can assist you in becoming part of our Beth Emeth community.

All information in this application will be treated confidentially.  Please call our office at 302-764-2393 if you have any questions or need assistance in completing this application.  

We like to welcome and introduce new members in The Orbit, our monthly publication circulated to the membership of the congregation.  However, we respect the privacy of all of our members and will not sell or distribute your address, e-mail address, or phone numbers outside of our internal directory.
Family Information
Adult Applicant 1
Participation Opportunities 
Adult Applicant 2
Participation Opportunities 
Yahrzeit Information
Please list any Yarzeits you wish to observe with the following information:  Name of Deceased, Date of Death (mm/dd/yy)  & Relationship to observer.
Emergency Contract Information
Children's Information
If there are more than 3 children in the family, please bring their information to the business office during office hours, or mail it in and we will add them to your account.
Child 1
Child 2
Child 3
Annual Commitment
Please select the appropriate annual commitment level.  You will receive an invoice in a few weeks.  
NOTE:  If you are age 28-30, please select the appropriate commitment level and check the age 28-30 box so that we calculate your discount.
All new members are billed a one-time Capital Improvement Assessment of $1,000 ($200/year payable over 5 years)
No payment is due with your application.  Based on the above information, the synagogue office will send you a membership contribution invoice in 2-3 weeks.

Please note that our fiscal year runs from September 1 - August 31.  Thus, the synagogue requests that at least half of your contribution be made on or before July 31 (prior to the upcoming fiscal year), in order for High Holiday tickets to be mailed in a timely manner.  Any balance of your contribution will be due on or before December 31 (of that fiscal year).

If you have any questions or concerns about your membership contribution, please contact Jon Yulish, Executive Director, at or 302-764-2393.
Fri, February 14 2025 16 Sh'vat 5785